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taxable item中文是什么意思

用"taxable item"造句"taxable item"怎么读"taxable item" in a sentence


  • 纳税项目


  • The impact on traditional taxable items ; 4
  • Plus other taxable items ustment
  • All taxable items must be listed . otherwise , what are not found on the declaration form may subject to heavy fines
  • Taxpayerswho import taxable items shall calculate tax in accordance with regulations , following customs clearance
  • Issues of taxable items and tax administration should be taken into account the principle of fairness and the practicability
  • Article 2 the taxable items and tax rates of business tax shall be determined in accordance with the attached to these regulations
  • Business tax payers have the right to calculate and pay business tax with different rates on condition of separate accounting for turnovers of different taxable items
  • Article 25 the tax return or report on tax withheld or collected and handed over on behalf of others which is lodged by a taxpayer or tax withholding agent accordingly shall include the following main content : tax category , taxable items , taxable projects or projects on which tax shouldbe withheld and paid over or collected and paid over applicable tax rate or tax amount per unit , basis for tax calculations , deductible items and standards , amount of tax payable or the amount of tax due to be withheld or collected and paid over and the applicable tax period
用"taxable item"造句  
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